Tiffany in Red

in Red" - oil on canvas, of model Tiffany from a sitting at the
Art Students Guild of Brevard. I actually sketched her while live
modeling but took a photo from which I did the painting. I
kept the run in the stocking as symbolizing her character and hard
luck - somewhat of a tragic character one feels great sympathy for
but ultimately her fate is doubtful. I left off the wrist wrap she
was wearing at the time, in between her first and 2nd car accident,
and before the 3rd and also before the broken femur ice
skating. Chronically late to modeling, etc, she still
seems inside to be an innocent soul.
I like
the lighting here - not direct on her but a lot of side lighting and
strongest on the chair. It was a change from most of our lamp
lit scenes, and had some cool light areas and warmer darker